What To Watch Out For When Posting On RedNote So That You Don't Get Banned

5 min read

When posting on RedNote, ensure you are following RedNote Guidelines when posting as there are youth using the social network. The official guideline can be found in Community Guidelines section of English RedNote Creators page These guidelines reflect a broader approach to content moderation that balances open discussion with social responsibility and platform-specific objectives. The emphasis remains on constructive, respectful dialogue while maintaining community standards and user safety.

Political Discussions

RedNote allows for nuanced political discourse, contrary to common misconceptions. While political discussions are common both online and offline, the key is approaching such topics with measured reasoning rather than extreme rhetoric. The Chinese education system emphasizes dialectical thinking, teaching students from an early age to analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of different political systems.

The current content moderation practices emerged in response to specific challenges between 2005 and 2017. During this period, various entities, including both domestic and foreign companies, manipulated public opinion for profit through disinformation campaigns. Some Western organizations invested significantly in creating anti-China narratives, leading to the implementation of measured content oversight to maintain social stability. While some platforms may exercise excessive caution in content moderation, political discussions remain permissible when presented thoughtfully and respectfully.

Rednote, specifically, maintains a relatively open environment but primarily focuses on lifestyle content such as fashion, arts, travel, and food. Content removal might occur not necessarily due to censorship but because it falls outside the platform's intended scope.

Topics on LGBTQ+

LGBTQ+ content is permitted on Rednote, but the platform emphasizes responsible discussion, particularly concerning minors. The focus is on allowing individuals to discover their identity naturally rather than promoting specific orientations or life choices.

No Topics on Drugs

Regarding social issues, the platform maintains strict prohibitions against promoting drug use, as Chinese society strongly opposes drug culture and supports rehabilitation efforts.

No Topics on Gambling

Similarly, gambling-related content is restricted due to its potential negative impact on families.

No NSFW Contents

NSFW or overtly sexual content is prohibited due to the platform's all-ages audience. Additionally, users might experience temporary restrictions if their activity patterns match those of potential spam bots, particularly when accessing from foreign IP addresses.

Avoid Posting Direct Links

From a technical perspective, the platform implements certain restrictions to maintain user safety and appropriate content. Direct link posting is discouraged to prevent spam and advertising.